
Debian Package

For Debian and Debian-based Linux distros like Ubuntu, Kali, or Mint. You need privileged access. This also installs pass and all other dependencies.

  1. Get the debian package from the download page.

  2. In your download directory, run

    sudo apt-get install ./pass-extension-team_0.2.0-dev-1_all.deb

Homebrew Formula

For any OS which supports Homebrew, especially MacOS, but also Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This also installs pass and all other dependencies.

  1. Get the homebrew formula from the download page.

  2. In your download directory, run

    brew install ./pass-team.rb

Manual Installation on *nix

For any system with GNU Make.


You need privileged access for this. Pass needs to be installed already.

  1. Get the repository tarball from the download page or clone the repository. Unpack the tarball somewhere.

  2. In the unpacked repository, run

    sudo make install

    This installs the pass team extension itself, as well as bash-completion and the man pages.


Pass needs be installed already.

  1. Get the repository tarball from the download page or clone the repository. Unpack the tarball somewhere.

  2. In the unpacked repository, run

    make PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR=<directory> install

    The PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR is the password store’s extensions directory where pass team is to be installed (as a user extension). Usually this is ~/.password-store/.extensions or whatever $PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_DIR says.

    You have to install pass team in every password store you want to use it, if you cannot install the extension system-wide.

See Also