
pass team implements Role-based Access Control (RBAC) for pass.

The terms and abbreviations are oriented towards the Wikipedia article on Role-based Access Control.

Central Concepts

Subject (S)
Every subject is identified by a gpg key. In many cases ‘subject’ is just a fancy technical term for ‘person’, but there use cases where persons have several gpg keys of course.
Role (R)
Roles are created and managed via the pass team role commands. Roles have a unique name (e.g. human-resources).
Permission (P)
There are only two notable permission in this context—the permission to read a password in the password store and the permission to adminstrate the pass team roles and shares.

Central Relations

Subject Assingment (SA = S x R)
Roles are (un)assigned to subjects via the pass team role (un)assign command.
Permission Assingment (PA = P x R)
The permission to read the passwords in a directory is assigned to a role by “sharing” that directory with the role via pass team share add .... This results in the passwords being encrypted with all gpg-ids which have been assigned the role in question.
Role Hierarchy (RH = R x R)
Not implemented yet: Roles have a partial order, i.e. a role can entail another role. E.g. the “team-leader” role might entail the “team-member” role and all passwords readable for the “team-member” are also readable for the “team-leader”.